July 2019 Volume 1, Issue 3

ARMC Tobacco Cessation Department

NEW-LUNG Newsletter

Visitor Appreciation Day at ARMC


June 2019 - The Tobacco Cessation Department (NEW-LUNG) at ARMC held a Visitor Appreciation Day during the Tuesday Farmers’ Market to promote our services to the Anaheim Community.

Hospital visitors and staff were invited to tour our newly launched website, play educational games for prizes, write postcards, and had the opportunity to receive tobacco cessation counseling and free nicotine patches. Visitors were also treated to coffee, snacks, and balloon art.

The event was a success - over 100 hospital visitors came through and 5 people received instant tobacco cessation counseling and went home with a free supply of nicotine patches. Visitors were enthused to have come across Visitor Appreciation Day on June 18. One visitor mentioned to us, “I’ve been going to this hospital since 1998 and I’ve never seen an event here like this.”

We love hearing from the visitors and connecting with our community. Be on the lookout for future events!


In June, we helped 212 people quit smoking!

135 ARMC Patients Served

10 Tablings Scheduled

1 Visitor Appreciation Day

Current Mental Health Partners

  • Adult & Older Adult Behavioral Health

  • Services Westminster, Anaheim Recovery

  • Education Institute Royale Santa Ana

  • TREEHouse Mission Viejo, Anaheim

  • Wellness Center South

Calendar Highlights

July 4 - Independence Day
July 11 - Free 7-11 Slurpee Day
July 28 - World Hepatitis Day
July 31 - Happy Birthday, Harry Potter

My Teenaged Quitline

July 2019 -- There is an immediate need for teen smoking cessation due to the popularity of vaping. Although the long-term effects of vaping are still being researched, one thing is certain: nicotine inhibits youth brain development.Teens who vape are three times more likely to smoke cigarettes.

The National Jewish Health Hospital in Denver, CO has launched My Life, My Quit, a vaping cessation program designed for teens under 18. The program is available in nine states - Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah. Teens in these states can reach out for counseling support by calling, texting, or visiting www.mylifemyquit.com. A trained youth cessation coach will provide free and confidential counseling sessions for teens to plan their own quit process.

If you know a teen or adult that wants to quit vaping, NEW-LUNG has a curriculum specifically for vaping cessation. Call 1-866-NEW-LUNG for information.

Staff Spotlight

Meet Khoi PhamVietnamese Tobacco Cessation Specialist

Meet Khoi Pham

Vietnamese Tobacco Cessation Specialist

At age 18, my family and I moved to the U.S., first testing the waters in Seattle before settling in Orange County. My vocabulary was limited to the British-English taught in Vietnamese schools and phrases like “What’s up?” were foreign. Being in high school, there was no faster way of learning culture than to hang out with American teenagers.

Both my parents are business people and wanted me to do business too. During the first year of college, I took some business courses, but it was not for me. Since I had a few health classes under my belt, I wanted to do something health related, but not quite patient care. I chose healthcare administration because I want to spearhead the changes in healthcare facilities. I’m passionate about the policies in place and the quality of the care. After feeling lost in my career path, I spoke to Rick Castro, who advised me to go back to school. This past spring, I’ve been attending UCI in pursuit of my Master’s of Business Administration.

When I first started at NEW-LUNG, I was apprehensive about patient care. Listening and sharing stories with other people during my Vietnamese counseling sessions, serving the homeless populations, and working rounds at ARMC has allowed me to see the spectrum of personalities just in our area. Now, doing rounds is the best part of my morning. I want to continue serving the underserved and underprivledge - my new passion since working with NEW-LUNG.


NEW-LUNG Testimonials


In Collaboration with: Ariel Konneker of the Wellness Center

The Wellness Center Central has been working with NEW-LUNG for several years and we have been so pleased with the resources and education offered by the program. Our members have the opportunity to attend the NEW-LUNG Smoking Cessation class on the third Monday of each month. Our members are always eager to attend Vanessa’s class as she never fails to provide a supportive and welcoming environment to gain insight about beginning their smoking cessation journey. Many of the members have expressed their appreciation for the “Quit Kit” NEW-LUNG provides, as well as the helpful “Smoking Log” and nicotine patches. The NEW-LUNG program compliments the Wellness Center. They go above and beyond to empower people towards a healthier lifestyle and tailors it to the population they are serving. The Wellness Center’s NEW-LUNG class is open to the public for attendance. Membership to the Wellness Center is available for attendance to our other groups and classes.