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June - August 2021

ARMC Tobacco Cessation Department

Fall 2021 Issue

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 Currently, the Tobacco Cessation Department at Anaheim Regional Medical Center (ARMC) serves over 3,700 people who want to quit smoking each year. On average, this means the department helps 10 people quit smoking every single day. With a staff of 11 and services offered in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Farsi, the Tobacco Cessation Department has come a long way since 2003, when it was first established at ARMC.

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

In June - August, we helped 100 people quit smoking!

NEW-LUNG has helped people who want to quit smoking and vaping. Below is the number of people who have received NEW-LUNG services this quarter.


Adults 32


Adults 35


Adults 33


If you know anyone who is ready to quit smoking, call 1-866-639-5864. Free services in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Farsi.









Fall In Love With Yourself

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California Smokers’ Helpline is Rebranding!


Formerly known as 1800-NO-BUTTS, California Smokers’ Helpline is rebranding! Starting September 1st, 2021 the helpline will operate as Kick It California. Kick It California will have a new logo, website, phone numbers, and social media accounts, replacing the California Smokers' Helpline properties. In September, current Helpline websites and phone numbers will be re-routed! Use a cost calculator to see how much you can save by quitting smoking!

In 1992, the California Smokers' Helpline became a leader in tobacco cessation when they launched a telephone service to help people quit smoking. Since then, they have added service channels, languages, and protocols to help people quit cigarettes, vapes, and smokeless tobacco through phone, text, chat, mobile apps, Amazon Alexa, and self-help materials.

Over the past year, Kick It California has gathered qualitative and quantitative feedback from their funding agencies, tobacco control advocates, and most importantly, 1,200 people who smoke and vape. They wanted to meet the needs of Californians who seek help to quit, and they believe this new brand does just that!

Use this brand toolkit to read more about Kick It California’s brand story, and to download logos, colors, and promotional assets, so that you can easily promote Kick It California when they launch in September!

If you have any questions about the new brand or their services, please email:


Kick It California’s Text Coaching Program

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Since 2015, Kick It California has supported nearly 10,000 Californians via text messaging. The program was set up to mirror telephone counseling. The program centers around setting a quit date, and then adjusts the content and timing of the texts so that they are relevant to each specific stage clients are at on their journey to quitting. The text coaching program is central for Kick It California since it aims to help people looking for quit support beyond a phone call and to reach a broader audience who might not be ready to talk to a coach. A menthol ban would aim to lower smoking, more specifically among young people. Many youth start smoking with menthols. Both considered policies would take years to apply and would likely face legal challenges.

Follow the Steps Below to Start the Text Coaching Program:

  1. Enroll

    Signing-Up for the Text Coaching Program is Easy! Anyone can enroll in this program for free by texting

    one of the following phrases above.

  2. Plan

    The text coaching service is focused on motivation and planning. Having a strong reason to quit and a solid quit

    plan can help build confidence and increase the chances of success. Setting a quit date is important because it encourages actively planning rather than just passively hoping to quit. A quit date is also important because the texts are

    relevant to each phase of quitting. After a person enrolls, they can respond to any text with a question or comment. These are routed to a quit coach who can make a tailored response. Many of the clients say that this personalization is the best part.

  3. Messaging

    The text messaging program is designed to give extra support to quit cigarettes or vapes during the 6 months after signing up. Texts are more frequent initially and then taper off as the person passes milestones in quitting. Messages deal with motivation, planning, getting support, self-talk, recovering from slips, and much more. These messages are tailored to help at critical points along the way, including useful tips for quitting and for staying quit.

  4. Text Coaching Details

    • Text program is available in English and Spanish

    • Automated text messages go out at 12pm and 6pm

    • Personalized support: Quit coaches will respond to questions within one business day

    • Message and data rates may apply


Have Gratitude Give Thanks

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Pfizer Issues Voluntary Recall of 9 Lots of Chantix in U.S.


In June 2021, Pfizer issued a voluntary recall of 9 lots of Chantix in the U.S. and paused distribution of the product; leading to it currently being out of stock at most pharmacies. This voluntary recall was due to the presence of unacceptable levels of nitrosamines (chemicals found in nature and the human body, but consuming high levels long-term may raise the risk of cancer).

Although Pfizer issued a voluntary recall of Chantix, the FDA has not yet issued a mandatory recall of Chantix. Pfizer’s voluntary recall includes certain batches of the medication specifically located in warehouses and manufacturing plants. Any Chantix that has already been dispensed to people at pharmacies is not part of the recall. Once pharmaceutical manufactures take steps to lower the level of nitrosamines in their products to acceptable levels, the FDA can give the “OK” to resume production.

The FDA is not currently advising people to stop using Chantix. The possible risk of cancer with nitrosamines is more of a concern with medications taken long-term. Chantix is typically only taken for about 3 to 6 months. The FDA also states that the health benefits that come from quitting smoking far outweigh the potential risks of the nitrosamines in Chantix.

It is important to discuss whether you should continue taking this prescription with a healthcare provider. Recommendations for continued use will be based on prior medical history and other risk factors. If you and your provider decide it’s best for you to stop Chantix, there are other options to help you quit smoking! Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) comes in the form of nicotine patches, lozenges, and gum, which are available over-the-counter. NRTs are effective, boosting the success of quitting by 50% to 70%.


FDA, July 2021

Pfizer Issues a Voluntary Recall for Chantix (July 2021).


Fall in Love With Yourself Campaign

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Please RSVP if you would like to sign up.

CALL 1-866-NEW LUNG (639-5864)

Free quit vaping classes are available.

*Must attend ALL CLASSES of 5 session class series.


Funded by the Orange County Health Care Agency/Tobacco Use Prevention Program.